Work Packages
Work package n°2 – Developing Modular Curriculum with Robotics Application for Flipped Learning
This work package focused on ‘Developing Modular Course Curriculum for Flipped Learning to encourage the use of robotics applications in primary school maths education. Developing a modular curriculum provided a course curriculum to the faculties of education and other educational institutions. Faculty members or trainers can teach prospective teachers how to use robotics applications in blended education. This curriculum can be applied in an elective course or by adding it to the programs of existing courses.
Through the modular digital pedagogy curriculum created in this work package, pre-service teachers gained competencies in motivating their students in mathematics activities. This innovative teaching method enables pre-service teachers to use robotics applications in learning and teaching activities.
Content Development for Robotics Applications in Flipped Learning
The project consortium performed desk research and a literature review about digital education and technology skills at the national and international levels.
Also, detailed surveys and interviews were applied to the target groups to determine the deficiencies in the field of digital pedagogy. Survey and interview reports were translated into partner languages.
Modular Curriculum
The Modular Curriculum, consisting of 10 modules with teaching strategies, methods, techniques and tools was designed. The modular curriculum was translated into partner languages.
Pilot Study
Each partner implemented the modular curriculum in their class. The aim of the piloting was to familiarise participants with the main principles of the RbtsInMath project and to introduce them to the Modular Curriculum. Participants were generally positive about the information about the planning of the pilot study. 137 pre service teachers and teachers participated in the piloting.