Work Packages
WP n°3- Virtual Video Library with Robotics Practices
The Virtual Video Library with Robotics Practices consists of Scenario-Based Learning and Teaching Processes. This Work Package aims to contribute to the development of innovative learning and teaching activities. At the same time, it will enable pre-service teachers to achieve excellence in learning and teaching by improving their robotics skills. The library will provide the pre-service teachers the sample video clips and PowerPoint (PP) animations of the application of tens of digital pedagogy in lessons. Pre-service teachers will easily find video and animated PP examples on how to use maths education on flipped learning, distance education or digital supported education and the platform will be able to easily transfer them to learning and teaching activities in the digital environment.
Scenario 7.1. Engagement, collaboration and successful lessons through Flipped Learning
Scenario 7.2. Implementation of Flipped Learning in teaching Arithmetic Problem Solving
Scenario 7.3-Anxiety-free navigation in a math flipped learning environment
Scenario 7.4. Exploring the advantages of teaching flipped learning in a simulated environment
Scenario 7.5.Flipped Learning vs Traditional Learning in Higher Education